Design work

Logo work


For the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science I have developed several WordPress websites for events and projects. Some examples are highlighted in the images below.

For this website, I deliberately chose to put the main message of the event on a large banner in order to immediately capture the attention of the visitor, which would then also lead the visitor to the register button.

For this website, I specifically put work into integrating the three central themes of the project into the website banner: the university, the city and its people (diversity), in order to make a clear visual representation of the projects content.

On informative pages like the one shown below, I used blocks with a diferent background and fonts in order to attract the attention of the reader.

Prototype work

Both of these prototypes were created and re-evaluated through user research.

Other graphics

Some examples of what I create using Adobe Illustrator

Social Media

Examples of Instagram posts, for which I have used a combination of Canva and Adobe programmes.

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